Tuesday, 8 October 2013

DPS Layout Research

This DPS layout looks elegant and stylish, the use of white space emphasises the red typeface. The difference in size of typeface and colour creates a creative look, indicating the publication being about design.

I like the way the typeface varies within the same sentence, this is through use of colour, font and the alignment of the type. I could potentially use this technique as an influence when designing my DPS.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Digital Illustration

This is Alex Beltechi's Illustration work, I think the finish to his digitally rendered pieces show a high level of professionalism.


I really like this style of layout and design together to use for a magazine article.

This is the work of Alexander Taylor

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Here is Interior Design work from Graffiti Artist 'Tilt'


 Here are examples of work from a Graffiti Artist 'COPE2' 
He is involved in various collaborations with successful Streetwear labels.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Julian Opie

Julian Opie is a London born visual artist, raised in Oxford. His work is very recognisable, using graphic, simplified imagery to create portrait. Opie's style was brought into the public eye when he was asked to design the cover for the British band, Blur's best of album. On the cover, the band members are illustrated in his style. 


Here you can find Examples of Opie's work, alot of the pieces being publicly viewed in Cities and Towns.